Art Furoshiki Exhibition: Artistic Home Decor and Tablecloths at the International University of Paris


Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the “Art Furoshiki” exhibition at the International University of Paris. This event showcased various art pieces using furoshiki, a traditional Japanese cloth, highlighting its versatile applications.

Originally, furoshiki was used for wrapping items, but artistic furoshiki transcends this function to become beautiful elements of home decor. In the exhibition hall, furoshiki with vibrant designs and delicate patterns were displayed on the walls, captivating everyone’s attention. As wall decorations, these furoshiki add a touch of modern elegance and a Japanese ambiance to any space.

Moreover, the exhibition demonstrated how furoshiki can also be used as tablecloths. By placing them on a table, these cloths beautify and enrich the dining experience. The designs of the furoshiki blend perfectly with both Japanese and Western meals, proving their versatility. During special occasions or seasonal celebrations, a furoshiki tablecloth can add a festive and elegant touch to the table.

This exhibition allowed me to rediscover the beauty and diversity of artistic furoshiki and their various uses. Furoshiki is not just a utilitarian object but also a piece of art that can enhance our daily lives. I am inspired to explore more ways to incorporate furoshiki as home decor and tablecloths into my own life.